Meet our team

We are an interesting group of people with a lovely variety of interests. Come get to know us!




"I am a part of this newspaper because I'd like to help  my student community with any problems they might come across in their student life in terms of school, the world around us, everyday life skills and the future that lies in front of us. I have a passion for exploring the fast process of science and sometimes I also cook and bake."



"I have always loved to write, whether that be terrible poetry, cringy half-finished novels or fake articles on topics which interest me. Only now my articles aren't so pretend! I am so excited to be a part of the newspaper team, and I hope to incorporate my passion for History, English Literature and Sociology into the pieces that I write. I am obsessed with reading, I enjoy listening to music and when I'm not doing either of those, I'm usually binging something on Netflix."



"I love everything film and media related but I am also interested in keeping up to date with politics and current affairs."



"I am interested in developments in science and joined the newspaper for a chance to write about what I like. Aside from science I like film, fashion and music."



"I am aspiring to be a journalist and have joined the newspaper to help improve my writing skills and talk about important- and sometimes comical- issues! My interests are in politics, mental health issues, literature and foreign languages as well as writing in my free time."



"I study history, politics and geography and while that doesn't account for all my interests it covers a lot of it! I also love to write (which is why I joined a newspaper!), bake, read and watch films and TV. I am a total nerd and love to learn so hopefully I can share that passion."


Designer and artist

"I have joined the newspaper as I have a passion for helping to educate young people on important matters. I am interested in art, baking, design and economics and during my free time I doodle (on anything I can find) and I love to dance, when no one is watching."



"I joined the newspaper as I have a passion for keeping young people informed and educated on the issues that matter. My interests are politics, music, fashion and film and in my spare time I play my guitar and boogie in my kitchen!"



"I have a wide range of interests, particularly pop culture and music, hopefully you will enjoy my articles!"



"I want to write for this newspaper to refine my English skills, to keep up to date with important issues and to help inform others on things I believe are important. My interests include current affairs, literature and global culture."


Former Writer

"I'm so excited to be a part of this newspaper as I've always wanted to educate people about issues going on around the world and to spread awareness on things that aren't talked about much. At the moment I am doing my A-levels studying biology, chemistry and psychology."


Former Writer

"I wanted to write for a student newspaper to have fun and have some experience in writing! I am interested in Philosophy, Ethics, Theatre and Poetry. In my free time I love to read books, watch horror films and Harry Potter."


Former Writer

"I love English literature, particularly Albert Camus and Paul Auster. I will be writing a monthly article on getting into university, particularly medicine. This may include books, videos or articles that I find helpful in the application."


Former Writer

"In my spare time I enjoy reading, baking (and eating anything sweet), playing a few instruments, listening to 80s music and being outside, especially if it is swimming in the sea."

Interested in joining our team as a guest writer? 

Then let us know!

Students Speak
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