I directed Harry Potter


By Lara

Lara recasts Harry Potter

If you didn't already know, JK Rowling is the critically acclaimed author of the world-famous "Harry Potter" book series however, recently she appears to have taken to channelling her literary skills into writing offensive tweets rather than any actual books. JK Rowling's downwards spiral began in June 2020 when she reposted an article titled "Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate" and had an issue with the fact the article used the phrase 'People who menstruate" instead of just 'women'. Clearly Rowling doesn't understand that many individuals i.e., transgender men and non-binary people do menstruate but do not identify as women- not to mention there are many biological women who physically cannot menstruate. This sparked uproar from the trans community who felt 'disappointed' and 'invalidated' by Rowling's ignorance regarding the topic and wanted an apology from the Harry Potter author. However, instead of a sincere apology, Rowling called the claims 'nonsense' and continued on voicing her old-fashioned, ignorant views on twitter. If you are interested in learning more on Rowling's entire series of transphobic tweets, here is a more detailed explanation. 

In light of this situation, I have decided to do whatever I usually do when something annoys me- pretend it doesn't exist. As of today, JK Rowling did not write the bestselling, phenomenal book series that is "Harry Potter". I did.

Since I am now the proud author, producer and director of the 'Harry Potter' franchise, I have taken it upon myself to create my dream 'fan-cast' of actors who I believe are perfectly suited to act in the 2021 rendition of the movie series. And don't worry, my cast will be far more representative and diverse than Rowling's all white protagonists. For crying out loud, even the owl is white.

Harry Potter cast 2021 (please ignore my horrendous photoshop skills)


Tom Holland as Harry Potter
Tom Holland as Harry Potter
Edward as Fred and George Weasley (forgive me)
Edward as Fred and George Weasley (forgive me)
Jason Momoa as Hagrid (this one's for the middle-aged mums)
Jason Momoa as Hagrid (this one's for the middle-aged mums)
Ncuti Gatwa as Ron Weasley
Ncuti Gatwa as Ron Weasley
Tilda Swinton as Professor Snape
Tilda Swinton as Professor Snape
Florence Pugh as Herminone Granger
Florence Pugh as Herminone Granger
Benedict Cumberbatch as Voldemort
Benedict Cumberbatch as Voldemort
Snoop Dogg as Dumbledore (Dumbledoobie)
Snoop Dogg as Dumbledore (Dumbledoobie)
Kristen Stewart as Draco Malfoy
Kristen Stewart as Draco Malfoy

All media used is under fair use copyright law grounds 

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